As a fan of literature and an avid anti-Obamanist, it wasn’t hard to see a similar path between his administration and that of Major, Snowball and - let’s not forget - Napoleon from George Orwell’s famous satire, Animal Farm. This satire portrays the Russian revolution and Stalin’s rise to power through the propaganda manipulation of ill-educated “animals.” In a similar way, Obama has promised to bring peace, unity and economic benefit in a time of recession when people are grasping for the slightest bit of hope.
Obama is not a savior to America. By granting him the power to “correct” our pitiful economy, we are handing over our country on a silver platter. Thomas Jefferson once said that a government big enough to give you everything is big enough to take it all away. By approving his bail out, the federal government now controls the auto industry and a large portion of our banking system. Obviously it didn’t bail anyone out since, at the very least, Chevrolet will be restructuring by the end of this week and banks are still raising interest rates. Obama’s hand is not just reaching into the economy cookie jar. He is pushing (very strongly) for added regulations on pollution, federal healthcare, education, defense, and every other bit of policy he can get his grubby little hands on.
For those of you who have not read Animal Farm, absolute power is not given overnight. It comes slowly with the removal of one freedom in exchange for a policy then another then another. If, during his campaign for president, Obama said “Democracy just isn’t working for us Americans. Sorry but we’re going to try socialism for a while” the people of America, at least I hope, would never have elected him. Why then are we just sitting back as he slowly turns our country, what was once a great and powerful nation, into a socialist government? An old friend used to say that if you put a frog into a pot of boiling water, it will jump out before it is injured. But if you put a frog into a cool pot of water and slowly heat it up, the frog will not realize the temperature change until it is too late. Jump out of the pot America; it’s getting ready to boil!
To read Animal Farm, go to your local bookstore (it’s not expensive) or you can read it online at <http://gutenberg.net.au/ebooks01/0100011.txt>. To read up more on the comparisons between Obama and Orwell’s novel check out this article by Kimberly Fletcher <http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=89182> .