Sunday, July 15, 2012

How Deep is Your Love

How Deep the Father's Love for Us
Between mothering a young child, work, and graduate school, I have been neglecting my job as another unpaid mom-blogger. But God has really been working on my heart lately.  Lately I have been so blessed.  God has really been showing his love for me but not how you may think.  I’m not meaning materialistic blessings.  I am blown away by those blessings but I am even more blown away by God’s love for me.  He has really been touching my heart and showing me how much he loves me.  There isn’t much to this blog other than to remind you to seek God’s heart and he will show you how much he loves you.  When you truly chase after him, you will not be disappointed.  Regardless of your circumstance or if you even feel like it, praise God and lift up his name and then see the changes that will take place in your life.