Monday, June 1, 2009

General Motors Fabulous Representation of a Fabulous Government

After GM’s recent bankruptcy issue, they plan on releasing the above commercial on Wednesday to “settle” some of the country’s lack of trust in their business practices. The amount of political symbols and metaphors in this commercial do not only prove that the federal government now controls this company, it shows that they aren’t even trying to hide it. The United States government obviously does not see anything wrong with owning one of the largest companies in the world. I mean hey, they are the United States government so maybe they do know everything. After all, the United States “empire” does spread into just about every country in the world by expanding capitalism and dominating through military. How could a nation who has that much power ever be wrong? Maybe we should just ask China… or the chief financial officer of GM, Ray Young.

According to Young in an interview about filing chapter 11 he said it was “a once in a lifetime opportunity to get our balance sheet healthy.” In one of the widest known companies, it is odd that GM doesn’t already hold some of the top financial advisors in the country let alone world wide. According to’s salary analysis of GM’s chief financial officer, in 2006, made approximately $1,162,500 with stock awards just under $2,000,000 with additional rewards of about another $2,000,000 making a total of about $5,000,000. Someone making $5,000,000 a year should be the best in the business and not someone who looks forward to someone else working on the spreadsheets. If Young’s salary was put into a unit that the everyday person could understand, like Jr. Cheeseburgers from Wendy’s, Young would be able to feed the entire city of Cincinnati at least twice. GM overspent their budget and until the company was forced to file bankruptcy. How much farther is Obama going to follow in their footsteps? Is the United States government going to be the next GM? Who is going to hold that debt? Where is this country going and how exactly do we change? It’s time that Obama stops the ridiculous spending (or buying) and starts putting the money into something that can actually help this country and not the few elite that already own it.

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