Saturday, February 9, 2013

Great-Great-Grandma's Cookies

I recently inherited my great-grandmas recipe collection. It is so amazing to have her handwritten recipes. She was an amazing cook and an even better baker. Since baking is not my forte, I wanted to take some instruction from her little box. This morning I was looking through the recipe box and I found one titled "Mother's spiced oat cookies." Since her mother would be my great-great-grandma, I felt I had to give it a try. Sorry but there will be no recipe attached. This one holds too much nostalgic value to share outside the family. Any Witt's are welcome to it (message me if you want) but no one else! It may seem kind of hateful to share this moment without the recipe but I couldn't help but record it. Tasting these cookies has brought so many memories back to me. Baking with her recipe makes me feel close to her. Plus it resulted in some delicious cookies!

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